Extending Article 50

It is difficult to keep up with the number of amendments and amendments to amendments which are being voted on almost daily in Parliament at the moment.

For those interested, here is our MP’s latest voting record.

Comments and discussion welcome and mb shall endeavour to respond.



Sir Kevin Barron voted for extending Article 50

(Rother Valley, Labour)

Sir Kevin Barron

On 12 March, Sir Kevin Barron voted for Theresa May’s deal.

Voting record on the following amendments:

  • AgainstCross-party remainers amendment to request an extension of Article 50 in order to have another referendum. (Amendment failed)
  • AgainstBenn/Cooper amendment to allow MPs to debate a Brexit motion that could lead to Parliament holding a series of indicative votes on different Brexit options. (Amendment failed)
  • AgainstLabour amendment to reject the PM’s deal and the idea of leaving without a deal. It also calls for an extension to Brexit talks to provide parliamentary time to find a majority for a different approach. (Amendment failed)
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