Rother Valley Candidates

Lee James Hunter UKIP for Rother Valley

Understandably people are concerned of who to vote for in this coming election, many are considering voting Teresa May ‘just so Brexit happens’ or vote Jeremy Corbin because that’s what they’ve always done, regardless of what the Media spins of the uncertainty of Brexit happening, rest assured that Brexit will happen regardless of party in power, because of the will of the people, a Teresa May majority will be a disaster for our communities, we need fresh new voices and new ideas that will benefit us, vote UKIP be the change

Out today in Whiston, myself, Allen Cowles leader of opposition Rotherham council and candidate for Rotherham central & UKIPcouncillors Nigel Simpson, Kath Reeder, Mick Elliot, we had an extremely positive response, looking forward to meeting many more people inRother Valley

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Kevin John Barron Labour for Rother Valley

Great turnout today in Dinnington for my campaign launch, thanks for coming. Now to hit #labourdoorstep across Rother Valley. You can help out with a a donation here

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Paul Martin Green Party for Rother Valley
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Bethan Eddy Conservative for Rother Valley


Incredibly proud to have been selected as Theresa May’s Conservative candidate in Rother Valley. We need to make sure we have a strong and stable leadership to make sure we get the best Brexit deal for the Country.

A good weekend knocking doors, delivering leaflets and talking to residents. Just a shame about the weather!

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Katie Pruszynski for Rother Valley

Katie Pruszynski was born and educated in London, before moving to Nottingham for university. She has a varied background; after leaving university, she established a theatre company directing critically acclaimed shows in London and Edinburgh.

She moved into communications working for a small corporate finance firm in London before finally achieving her ambition of working in Parliament. She spent four years as the Senior Parliamentary Assistant to an MP; that time gave her a deep understanding of the challenges facing people in their day-to-day lives, and she remains humbled by the experience.

Working in Parliament gave Katie the confidence and inspiration to become a public servant; and that desire to work for each of her potential constituents is what drives her. She has a particular interest in mental health and women’s issues, as well as a determination to bring political discussion back to people who feel cut off from their leaders in London.

Following her approval as a candidate last year, Katie was privileged to be selected to stand for Rother Valley. Although an adopted Northerner, she has felt at home since moving to the area almost two years ago. She spent much of the last year working with a small manufacturer in Sheffield, providing invaluable insight into the struggle so many similar businesses face in the Rother Valley. As MP, Katie will seek to champion these tenacious and innovative businesses in Sheffield City Region economy.

Katie lives in Sheffield with her husband and two young children, working as a communications consultant for charities, businesses and political candidates. She loves American politics and culture, plucky little theatre groups and spending weekends exploring the Peak District with her family.

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3 Responses to Rother Valley Candidates

  1. Timawells says:

    A group of us went into see Kevin Barron in his Dinnington office to ask for support in reopening the police station. We have heard nothing since. many have written to him about policing in Dinnington and the station being closed and he fails to reply to them.

  2. Hi Tim, Thanks for the comment. I respect you and Dinnington residents for continuing to challenge the waste of time and money that is our MP in Rother Valley.
    Seems he is passing the time away as elusively as possible, until he hands the reins over to his daughter.
    Good luck in your endeavours to get a police station once again. I can’t see it ever happening.

    My vote in the GE will probably be “none of the above” so that I at least become a statistic of the turnout data.

    Best wishes

    • Timawells says:

      Brenda I have also been in regular contact with him about the allotment area where the murder happened in Dinnington, 12 months before the murder happened, as it was a magnet for crime. Asked him a number of times by email and letter to help, totally fobbed me off or didn’t bother replying. Wouldn’t meet me on the site even though a minute from the allotments. I have proof of letters emails sent to him. Cheers Tim

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