Notice of Ordinary Vacancies on Maltby Town Council


Due to all four wards being uncontested, Maltby Town Council now has three Ordinary Vacancies and will Co-opt at the Annual Meeting on Thursday 21st May 2015 at 6.00pm.

There is one Ordinary Vacancy in the East Ward and two Ordinary Vacancies in the North Ward
In accordance with Local Government Act 1972, section 79.
In order to be eligible the candidate must:
be 18 years old or over; and
is an elector for the parish; or
has resided in the parish for the past twelve months or rented/tenanted land in the parish; or
had his/her principal place of work it the parish; or
has lived within three miles of the parish

Under section 80 of the same act there are disqualifications, these relate to bankruptcy, restriction orders and conviction of a criminal offence and leading to imprisonment.
If you would like to stand for Maltby Town Council or would like further information, please contact the Town Clerk Mrs Kate Butler on 01709 814060 or email

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