Time to update your website Rotherham Labour Group ?

So, Rotherham Labour Group have announced their new “leaders” on their website under Latest News  but not thought it necessary to change or remove the About Us information which still informs us :

“There are 49 Labour Party councillors in Rotherham representing wards across the borough. If you are unsure who your Councillor is you can search by post code here http://www.rotherham.gov.uk/councillors/search

The Labour Group has a Leader, Cllr Paul Lakin, a Deputy Leader Cllr Emma Hoddinott as well as 5 Cabinet Members responsible for portfolios that cover the various functions of the council.  Cllr Doyle, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health. Cllr Dominic Beck, Cabinet Member for Business Growth and Regeneration. Cllr Mahroof Hussain, Cabinet Member for Environment. Cllr Christine Beaumont, Cabinet Member for Children and Education Services.  Cllr Maggie Godfrey, Cabinet Member for Safe and Attractive Neighbourhoods.

The website contains the latest news from Councillors and the Labour Group as well as providing contact details.

If you are interested in joining the local Labour Party, you can do so here. ”

I tried clicking the link but it only took me to an error page. Likewise when I filled out a comment form on the Contact Us page asking if Beaumont, Godfrey and Rushforth are going to be standing as representatives of Maltby again, and if so, why ?

One might think that Rotherham Labour Group has something to hide and only selected folk can ask to join. Or maybe it’s just me.

Anyone else manage to contact them through the website ?


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1 Response to Time to update your website Rotherham Labour Group ?

  1. A regular reader says:

    “I tried clicking the link but it only took me to an error page. ”
    It takes me to https://join.labour.org.uk/ -which is what it is set-up to do. If anything was broken when you ckicked, it was labour.org.uk.

    But yes the “About us” page needs updating.

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