Mahroof Hussain Resigns – Advertiser seeks interview with Muhbeen Hussain

Another resignation, not before time. Mahroof Hussain MBE resigns and nephew Muhbeen is asked by Michael Upton of The Advertiser to follow him on Twitter so that he can “DM”  (direct message) him regarding “the interview”.

Have asked Muhbeen if he has any comment to make on his relatives resignation but he has only said that all the council should resign and the MPs and what about the police ?

Also asked if he will be standing as a councillor at the earliest opportunity. No reply as yet.

What would we do without Twitter … even though mb is blocked by many 😉

Have asked Muhbeen

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2 Responses to Mahroof Hussain Resigns – Advertiser seeks interview with Muhbeen Hussain

  1. Anne Rennie says:

    Was silence on grooming/ child sex abuse the cost for #Labour votes and funding from Pakisan community?

    • Hopefully someone in the next few days will have the honesty and integrity to make a statement on this. Labour Party leaders and MPs would be good, but they have little, if any, of either of those qualities unfortunately.

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