End of the Year 2014


If I was a truly dedicated blogger, I would today be posting here a review of the last year, as viewed, perceived and reported by maltbyblogger, just like the more famous blogs and programmes on topical and political discussion (BBC, ITN, Sky, RotherhamPolitics, Guido Fawkes etc 🙂 )

I am not doing that however, my excuse being that I have succumbed to the bug/virus or whatever it is currently doing the rounds and haven’t the energy or will to post more than inanities on Facebook and Twitter whilst laid on the settee with one ear to Celebrity Mastermind. Working myself up over the past couple of hours to go upstairs  to bed with a couple of inhalers and a variety of prescription tablets, that is.

I shall hopefully be more alert and ready to face 2015 tomorrow if nothing else, and also hopefully get back into the swing of maltbyblogger posts. There is, I can assure you dear reader, a multitude of issues on which mb still has an opinion to voice, past and present.

Meanwhile may I wish everyone a Happy New Year. May it be a peaceful, positive and productive one for Maltby and further afield.  Thanks to all who have participated in this blog in whatever way. I look forward to all responses in the future, whatever they may be.

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