Maltby’s Independant Candidate

You have to give credit to Michael Conlon for his persistence and personal effort put into standing as independant candidate for Maltby in the election on 22nd of this month.

His election leaflet has been delivered personally to every house in Maltby which is an achievement in itself, when he is running his own thriving gardening business locally.



My main argument with Michael has always been that I think that anyone standing for election for RMBC ought to have served some time on Maltby Town Council first. However, Michael does not wish to be a  Maltby Town Councilor and is aiming for a  Borough seat.

We know that Maltby Town Council is overloaded with Labour Party members and that the councillors  doff their caps to “The Party” on every discussion and decision that is made. 2 recently elected. councillors loyal to the TUSC  ( ) have made little inway into the Labour mindset and Labour ranks have swelled with the election of Richard Price.

Other candidates (UKip and Conservative) have little in common with Maltby people in their policies. For these reasons I wish Michael Conlon good luck in this election. He does seem to have the community’s interests at heart, and that can only be a positive thing.

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